Posts Tagged ‘Coalescers’

co·a·lesce  (v)

1. To grow together; fuse.

2. To come together so as to form one whole; unite:

Many people have recently asked me about coolant coalescers and should they consider using them. There still seems to be some mystery surrounding coalescers and I want to start off by saying that there is no magic spell to help a sump stay clean and free of bacteria except for proper coolant maintenance and coalescers are only one part of the solution.

Basically, a coalescer is a large tank that helps the formation of tramp oil globules in coolant therefore assisting in separating the tramp oil from the base coolant. They are designed to run continuously on an individual sump to help prevent the growth of bacteria through the removal of the tramp oil and the aeration of the coolant.

The coalescer will bring dirty coolant in through the intake attachment.  A filter cartridge will remove chips. The coolant will travel through the coalescing media which aides to fuse the oil droplets. The coolant will then travel through the coalescing cartridge where the oil droplets cling to the coalescing media. Once these oil droplets are large enough they will rise through the coolant to the top of the unit where they can be manually decanted and discarded virtually coolant-free. The cleaner coolant is returned to the sump from the bottom of the unit.

The advantage of this will be:

  • Extend coolant life.
  • Reduce coolant usage
  • Reduce rancidity and related coolant issues

If you would like to learn more about coolant maintenance and understand why you should do this and how it can save you money, please reference this article and email me at